5 Resources to help your mental health on World Mental Health Day

February 9, 2024

5 Resources to help your mental health on World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day aims to increase awareness and focus on mental well-being. Working in offshore drilling can be physically and mentally challenging due to the isolation, long shifts, and intense working environment. With that in mind, here are five valuable resources, websites, and organizations that can help these individuals cope with the unique challenges they face.

1. U OK M8


This initiative by LadBible allows a younger audience to feel comfortable around the important topic of mental health. It has tonnes of helpful articles that you can read whenever you need. This is such a great resource for reminding us that mental health is something that everyone deals with. 

2. MentalHealth.org


MentalHealth.org.uk provides a wide range of articles, fact sheets, and guides that can help offshore drilling workers better understand mental health issues. From stress management to anxiety and depression, these resources offer insights and strategies for coping with the mental challenges associated with offshore work.

3. Crisis Text Line:


For those who may need immediate assistance, Crisis Text Line offers a free, confidential texting service available 24/7. Offshore drilling workers can reach out for support during challenging times, allowing them to connect with trained crisis counsellors via text message.

4. Offshore Workers Support:


This organisation is dedicated to the mental health and well-being of offshore workers specifically. They provide resources, forums, and connections to mental health professionals who understand the unique challenges of working offshore. It's an excellent platform for finding relevant support.

5. Mind:


While primarily based in the UK, Mind offers a wealth of information and resources on mental health. Their online community, blogs, and guides can be valuable for offshore drilling workers worldwide. They also provide guidance on managing work-related stress and seeking help when needed.


People tend to forget what you say but always remember how you made them feel. It’s important to understand the difference you make by showing respect and a willingness to listen to others. 

Also, when you help others, you feel good about yourself, right?


These resources are available and can be invaluable when you need them.  Remember, seeking help takes courage and a true sign of strength.   Mental health is a universal human right and no one should face mental health issues alone. 

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