UKCS Clothing Policy Winter Changes

February 9, 2024

UKCS Clothing Policy Winter Changes

This month you’ll be required to wear 3 layers under your survival kit when you are mobilising. There are some statements about what is required so we’ve put the information together for you so you are all set for your next trip.

So When is this required? 

Between the 1st of October and the 31st of May, when you go offshore you must wear 3 layers of clothing under your survival kit. An example of this would be a long sleeve top, short sleeve top and a jumper. 

Between the 1st of June and the 30th of September this is classed as summer and you only need 2 layers (e.g. a T-shirt and a jumper)

What is approved


• T-shirts

• Long Sleeve tops

• Jumpers (but not hoodies!)

• Jackets


• Trousers

• Jeans

• Tracksuit Bottoms


• Trainers

• Boots

• shoes

What is NOT Approved


• Hoodies

• Dresses


• Skirts

• Shorts


• Crocs 

• Sandals/Flipflops

• High Heels

Common questions

Here are some common questions and the answers from Step Change in Safety. 

Can I wear jeans?

Yes you can wear jeans to travel in.

Why is summer in June and not May?

We took the average sea temperatures of the UKCS over a number of years to decide when the water is warmer and when it is colder, therefore requiring more or less layers. We then used this information to decide that Summer is from 1st June - 30th September and Winter is 1st October - 31st May.

Why three layers in winter?

Studies have shown that the more layers you have on, the lower your risk of getting hypothermia when exposed to cold water.

During winter you must wear 3 layers, one of which must be a long-sleeved top. It is important to protect your core so more layers are required to cover your chest and internal organs.

Why no hoodies?

Hoodies, or any item of clothing with a hood, will interfere with the neck seal of the survival suit. It is essential that the seal around your neck and wrists is strong so that in the extremely unlikely event you are in the water there are no weaknesses in the seals to allow water into the suit.

Polo-necks and jackets with high collars also pose a risk to the neck seal.

Any other questions?

Remember, our team are here for you and we are always happy to answer any question you have big or small! You can also find more information at

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